Hadinia, Anousha
In Eastern and Southern cultures, there is a different understanding of
family hierarchies, upbringing, and obedience compared to the European
context. Although these traditional beliefs are currently also
undergoing transformation, we are frequently confronted with situations
as well in migrant families as moreover in Arabic countries where
patients experience strict hierarchies, hopelessness, and limited
opportunities for autonomy.
In such cases, a therapeutically
combined approach of Schema Therapy and Systemic Family Therapy has
proven superior to ST individual therapy.
Anousha Hadinia is
skilled at mobilizing seemingly intractable and hopeless family
situations or family constellations with this combination, ultimately
enabling the entire system to progress and develop further.
Therapists, co-therapists, anyone working in healthcare field with complex family systems and/or violence in families
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Parenting Styles in Arab Societies: A First Cross-Regional Research Study
Marwan Dwairy, Mustafa Achoui, Reda Abouserie, Adnan Farah, Anaya A. Sakhleh, Mona Fayad
and Hassan K. Khan
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2006; 37; 230
DOI: 10.1177/0022022106286922